Let the Record Speak (1939)


Beautiful First Edition of Dorothy Thompson's Collection of Articles
on the Early Years of Wartime Europe,

Let the Record Speak

Thompson, Dorothy. Let the Record Speak. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1939.

Octavo. Hardcover. 1st Edition.

First edition of the fascinating collection of writings by one of the United States' most influential wartime journalists, featuring her impressions of affairs in Europe from 1938 to 1939 and her belief that the United States could not allow fascism to destroy the traditional Western values of Europe. In Let the Record Speak, Dorothy Thompson uses her on-the-ground impressions of Europe between 1936 and 1939 to argue against American isolationism. Thompson recognized the supreme danger of Britain bowing to Germany and the necessity of America supporting freedom and democracy if it hoped to maintain its place on the world stage. According to a contemporary review in Foreign Affairs, "one is struck by her power to separate the grain from the chaff in the day's news, to give her comments historical perspective, and to show flashes of prophetic vision. Indeed, her present compilation, like Winston Churchill's recent books, is something in the nature of an 'I told you so.'" A beautiful copy in nearly fine condition.