How to Meet Men and Marry (1943)


"A Widower Could Be a Non-Resistant Person
Against Your Irresistible Force..."

Farnham, Juliet. How to Meet Men and Marry. New York: Simon, 1943.

Octavo. Hardcover. War Edition, Second Printing.

Wartime edition of this laugh-out-loud guide to finding a match during World War II.

Easily one of the funniest reads to come out of World War II, How to Meet Men and Marry attempts to help women find their match in the marital wasteland of the Second World War. Farnham carefully delineates the types of women ("The Pedestal Type," "The Discouraged Damsel," "The Casual Petter," etc.) and their best matches, aiming for practicality and comfort rather than romance. Farnham's advice is hilariously mercenary--up to and including opening a USO committee to meet men--but will read true to anyone who has spent just a little too long on the dating scene. Without dust jacket. Any edition of this work is incredibly rare; only 9 copies of any edition are recorded as residing in institutional libraries. Fine condition.